Friday, January 14, 2011

My trip to New Hampshire and Potato Chip Science

After New Year's,  I went up to see  Sissy (that's my sister Alyssa) and her husband, Paul. They just moved to New Hampshire.  Oh, that's the snowman I made with the kit they gave me for Christmas.We drove for a long time and through lots of mountains...kind of windy roads. I saw a sign with a big moose on it.  It means Moose Crossing!!  I saw a moose once in the animal park in Virginia.  You drive through and feed the animals and a big moose stuck his nose in the window by my Mom and ate right out of her bucket and wouldn't stop!  Mom wanted me to take a picture, but I couldn't stop laughing!!

Anyway, it was really snowy and cold.  When we got to their house, I didn't want to leave. It was warm and they have cats which are my favorite and Wii!! I miss playing Wii, so I slept over and played it with Sissy.
We drove all around the place and saw cool places like the Basin which is a neat waterfall and the Indian Head Rock. The edge of the cliff looks like an Indian Chief, but I couldn't tell, so Mom made a drawing for me.  Then I could see it. 

We saw lots of covered bridges and frozen water, lakes to ice skate on.  Some people were out on the lake fishing.  That was weird. By the water, there was a sign that said "No Swimming".  I thought that was funny...even I wouldn't want to swim in that frozen water and I like to swim!!

 We went to a store that had so much candy I couldn't believe it.  The whole wall was full of candy.  It was really hard to choose.  The dentist said I can't have any more gummy candy 'cause it sticks to my teeth, so I got chocolate instead. Then we went to a cool book store and we bought Potato Chip Science.  It looks like a bag of potato chips, but it is full of stuff to do experiments.  I will show you one!  It is so much fun.     

1 comment:

  1. so cool skyler! hahahahhahaha the goggle swimming mask did it for me! you're the best! love you all!
