Monday, December 12, 2011

The Nutcracker at Flagler Auditorium

My friend Victoria is a dancer. She was a soldier in this cool scene in The Nutcracker.   All the mice are shooting the soldiers....FUNNY!  She had to play dead....pretend, of course!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Letterboxing Fun

I heard about Letterboxing from our friends in Tennessee, Yvie and her Mom, Elizabeth.  It is really fun to do!  You have to like nature....that's one thing.  You have to listen very well and do exactly what the clues tell you....Mom helps me download them on the computer. Then you get a bag or something, I have a pencil case. In it you put your journal or log book, a rubber stamp that says something about you, an ink pad and a pen. I chose a lizard stamp, an anole to be exact because I like lizards and I like Florida too. My friend Seth and I went two times together and we had to hike up a mountain to find the box each time! 
 This first picture is at the top of the mountain....that's the Poughkeepsie bridge behind us. We are way far up!

We found this rock to rest on.

And stamped in our books and theirs too here....perfect spot!

Seth wanted to take this picture at the bottom...
God Bless America!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Homeschool Holiday

I just got to go to Florida for a month! I had so much fun.  I went fishing with Pop off of the dock and caught a fish. Then I fed it to a crane that swooped down and ate it off the grass! That was soooo cool!
Check it out!
We went to a timeshare place in Orlando and went to Disney World with Nana and Pop.  We went camping in their trailer too just before that with my friend Victoria. Oh, and Auntie Nga, Uncle John and Jewels came too!  I got to see my friends, Harrison, Jake and their little brother Logan. Yesterday was Jake and Logie's birthday. 
 I had 2 sleepovers with them and went to a Monster Truck show!

Today is my Aunt Bernie's Birthday..

 Even my friends Annabelle and Francesca were in
Florida the first week,  so I spent time with them at the beach.  
We dug in the sand and chased the seagulls away! 
The time went by so quick! 
Mom says I am blessed because I can travel and have fun and do school work wherever I am. When you think of it that way, I like homeschooling.  I can read all by myself now and can earn points for prizes the more books I read.  
The last night of our trip, it was Nana's birthday.
Mom made dinner for her and I was the the video! 

Friday, January 14, 2011

My trip to New Hampshire and Potato Chip Science

After New Year's,  I went up to see  Sissy (that's my sister Alyssa) and her husband, Paul. They just moved to New Hampshire.  Oh, that's the snowman I made with the kit they gave me for Christmas.We drove for a long time and through lots of mountains...kind of windy roads. I saw a sign with a big moose on it.  It means Moose Crossing!!  I saw a moose once in the animal park in Virginia.  You drive through and feed the animals and a big moose stuck his nose in the window by my Mom and ate right out of her bucket and wouldn't stop!  Mom wanted me to take a picture, but I couldn't stop laughing!!

Anyway, it was really snowy and cold.  When we got to their house, I didn't want to leave. It was warm and they have cats which are my favorite and Wii!! I miss playing Wii, so I slept over and played it with Sissy.
We drove all around the place and saw cool places like the Basin which is a neat waterfall and the Indian Head Rock. The edge of the cliff looks like an Indian Chief, but I couldn't tell, so Mom made a drawing for me.  Then I could see it. 

We saw lots of covered bridges and frozen water, lakes to ice skate on.  Some people were out on the lake fishing.  That was weird. By the water, there was a sign that said "No Swimming".  I thought that was funny...even I wouldn't want to swim in that frozen water and I like to swim!!

 We went to a store that had so much candy I couldn't believe it.  The whole wall was full of candy.  It was really hard to choose.  The dentist said I can't have any more gummy candy 'cause it sticks to my teeth, so I got chocolate instead. Then we went to a cool book store and we bought Potato Chip Science.  It looks like a bag of potato chips, but it is full of stuff to do experiments.  I will show you one!  It is so much fun.     

Friday, December 31, 2010

It's New Year's Eve 2010-2011.

So, Mom and I are hanging out and I'm doing nothing.  I figure why not start my Blog.  We thought of the idea on the way to the airport when Mom and  me went to Florida for my 7th birthday.  I was telling Dad about the cool smoothie I made when I was at Aunt Diane's.  I can't remember all the ingredients, but I did write the instructions down, so  I could make it again.... and when I do, I bet my Mom and Dad are gonna like it!
I told them I would show them how and Mom said she'd make a movie of me like the guy on the food show. That's how Sky-Bright started.

Today is New Year's Eve. Mom says that today it's 2010 and tomorrow it will be 2011.  Cool huh?  We are taking a trip to see my older sister for 2 days...I forget where she lives, but they have tons of snow.  We had 2 feet here, but they have more!  My Dad made me a big fort and I have shelves in it too.  I carved them in the snow with my hands. I made a snow man with my Mom and he is a guard to guard the fort.  He has a stick in his hand....oh and he has a long stick that Mom put through the middle of him to keep him together, so when he melts, he'll just be one big stick!  Ha! Ha! Ha! Sissy gave me a kit that I used to dress him up with a scarf and eyes and buttons and a pipe. Mom put a twig to make him smile.  I like that. I can make snow bricks and 8 snowballs all at once too.

Happy New Year to everyone who goes on my web site!

:D Skyler