Saturday, April 23, 2011

Letterboxing Fun

I heard about Letterboxing from our friends in Tennessee, Yvie and her Mom, Elizabeth.  It is really fun to do!  You have to like nature....that's one thing.  You have to listen very well and do exactly what the clues tell you....Mom helps me download them on the computer. Then you get a bag or something, I have a pencil case. In it you put your journal or log book, a rubber stamp that says something about you, an ink pad and a pen. I chose a lizard stamp, an anole to be exact because I like lizards and I like Florida too. My friend Seth and I went two times together and we had to hike up a mountain to find the box each time! 
 This first picture is at the top of the mountain....that's the Poughkeepsie bridge behind us. We are way far up!

We found this rock to rest on.

And stamped in our books and theirs too here....perfect spot!

Seth wanted to take this picture at the bottom...
God Bless America!