Friday, December 31, 2010

It's New Year's Eve 2010-2011.

So, Mom and I are hanging out and I'm doing nothing.  I figure why not start my Blog.  We thought of the idea on the way to the airport when Mom and  me went to Florida for my 7th birthday.  I was telling Dad about the cool smoothie I made when I was at Aunt Diane's.  I can't remember all the ingredients, but I did write the instructions down, so  I could make it again.... and when I do, I bet my Mom and Dad are gonna like it!
I told them I would show them how and Mom said she'd make a movie of me like the guy on the food show. That's how Sky-Bright started.

Today is New Year's Eve. Mom says that today it's 2010 and tomorrow it will be 2011.  Cool huh?  We are taking a trip to see my older sister for 2 days...I forget where she lives, but they have tons of snow.  We had 2 feet here, but they have more!  My Dad made me a big fort and I have shelves in it too.  I carved them in the snow with my hands. I made a snow man with my Mom and he is a guard to guard the fort.  He has a stick in his hand....oh and he has a long stick that Mom put through the middle of him to keep him together, so when he melts, he'll just be one big stick!  Ha! Ha! Ha! Sissy gave me a kit that I used to dress him up with a scarf and eyes and buttons and a pipe. Mom put a twig to make him smile.  I like that. I can make snow bricks and 8 snowballs all at once too.

Happy New Year to everyone who goes on my web site!

:D Skyler